Thursday, June 01, 2006

the day you come..

When John Wesley was once asked by a friend what he planned to do that day, Wesley said, ‘This morning I plan to prepare a sermon, and this afternoon I am going to visit a widow from the parish.’ His friend replied, ‘If you knew that the Lord Jesus was going to return tonight, what would you do today?’ Wesley said, ‘I would prepare my sermon this morning and visit the widow this afternoon.’ He made no adjustments to his diary, or his lifestyle, in the light of the second coming of Christ. He did not need to. In other words, he was living always in the light of the coming of the Son of Man.

The best preparation for death, or the coming of Jesus, is to do your duty. When the son of Man comes you want him to find you doing what he has set apart for you to do. ‘Be ready,’ Jesus says, ‘be faithful and wise.’

Matthew 24:36-51

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