Tuesday, August 29, 2006

is God safe?

In C.S. Lewis's book The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, one of the children ask Mr. and Mrs. Beaver about Aslan the Lion.

"Is he - quite safe? I shall feel rather nervous about meeting a lion."
"That you will, dearie, and no mistake," said Mrs. Beaver. "If there's anyone who can appear before Aslan without their knees knocking, their either braver than most or just plain silly."
"Then he isn't safe?" said Lucy.
"Safe?" said Mr. Beaver; "don't you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? 'Course he isn't safe. But he's good. He's the king, I tell you."

God isn't safe - but he's good.

Filed under Christianity, Books | Reading

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