Tuesday, July 18, 2006

even better than the real thing?

To try to be happy by being admired by men, or loved by women, or warm with liquor, or full of lust, or getting possessions and treasures that turns you away from the love of God, and then the men, the women, the drink, the lust, the greed, take precedence over God, and they darken His light. And then we’re unhappy, and afraid, and angry, and fierce, and impatient and cannot pray, and cannot sit still. That is the bitter yolk of sin. And for this, we leave the mild and easy yolk of Christ.
Thomas Merton

Two insane views which operate in all our minds:
  1. we think that God is not so good and if we get close to Him, He’ll stuff things up
  2. we think that the substitutes can do the same job... but of course they never do.

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