Saturday, October 15, 2005

Blessed are the meek..

This is a very famous and despised verse, isn't it… especially in the business world. As if, by being meek, you could get anything. But meek is not some mousy cringing, walking around pretending to be all so unworthy. Meekness is that you've got a proper estimate of yourself, because you now see yourself before God. Not only have you taken yourself sinful before God, but you now see yourself comforted and restored before God. And because you have got an estimate of yourself which is God’s estimate, you no longer need to push people down to assert yourself, or, as it were, put people on pedestals. You now have a proper, healthy estimate of yourself, and of people.

The man who is meek is not sensitive about himself. He is not always watching himself and his own interests. He is not always on the defensive.
Martin Lloyd-Jones

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